Category: International
INTERVIEW: Portuguese posties fight privatization
João Isqueiro is member of Executive of SNTCT – The Portuguese Postal and Telecommunication Workers National Union spoke to Francisco Raposo on behalf of the NSSN Francisco Raposo – Postal workers from CTT – Portuguese public company of postal services – are involved in a struggle process for a long time now. Can you describe the…
NSSN166 – Support UCU, Unison & Unite members strikers
31 October will be a day of coordinated strike action by UCU, Unison and Unite members working in Universities. This is the first UK-wide joint action between these Higher Education unions, demonstrating the anger that their members feel about the employers’ insulting 1% pay increase. Even pro-capitalist commentator Will Hutton, writing in the Observer notes…
NSSN 165 Support the Grangemouth workers!
NSSN 165 Support the Grangemouth workers! The National Shop Stewards Network gives full support to the workers at the refinery against the scandalous scare tactics of Ineos. Our supporters attended the rally at the plant on Sunday read report from NSSN website Events are moving quickly with this morning, Ineos announcing the closure of the petrochemical works on…
‘Nothings got worse since austerity took hold’ – Really?!
A BBC survey purported to show that over 40% of those interviewed had not noticed a change to local government services since austerity took hold. Some even thought services had improved! Yet we all know of closures to libraries, swimming pools, reduced council facilities and the rest. Even the BBC website has stories from leading councillors…
Protests in Turkey: Solidarity appeal from Day-Mer
The following is a statement from Day-Mer, a Turkish and Kurdish community organisation based in London. DAY-MER was set up on 11 November 1989 to work with and on behalf of Turkish and Kurdish people living and working in London to help them solve their problems and promote their cultural, economic, social and democratic rights; to…
NSSN e-bulletin 158 – Stop cuts – Demand united action – Lobby the TUC for a 24-hour general strike (Sunday 8th September)
it would be nuts not to begin without congratulating Frank Morris, sacked electrician and all those involved in supporting the campaign for his re-instatement. The NSSN has been a longstanding practical supporter with Frank Morris and against blacklisting! (More later in the bulletin and BSG report is already on the website). We have handed over…