398: NSSN TUC Congress Rally Sun Sept 9 Manchester


In the year of the 150th anniversary of the TUC, the National Shop Stewards Network (NSSN) will again be organising a rally before the start of TUC Congress.

It will be from 1pm on Sunday September 9th in the Manchester Mechanics Institute/Conference Centre, Princess Street, M1 6DD. More details will follow.

Leaders from fighting unions will be speaking alongside rank & file union reps and activists, including those who have been taking action.

Richard Beddows Unite Birmingham bins convenor speaking at NSSN TUC Rally with chair PCS President Janice Godrich
Richard Beddows Unite Birmingham bins convenor speaking at last year’s NSSN TUC Rally

The NSSN has a proud record of supporting workers and building solidarity. We also have a history of fighting for the biggest co-ordination of action across the unions to take on Tory austerity and the bosses’ offensive.

There is a union letter here and please share the Facebook event



NSSN news

Get your trade union branch or trades council to affiliate to the NSSN – it only costs £50. Already affiliated? Please think about renewing it. Also, many of our supporters pay a few pounds a month. You can set up a similar standing order to ‘National Shop Stewards Network’, HSBC – sort code 40-06-41, account number 90143790. Our address is NSSN, PO Box 54498, London E10 9DE

Download the ‘Join the NSSN’ leaflet here

And if you can, come to one of our regional Conferences. If there is not one in your area, get in touch to either assist in organising or have a speaker at one of your meetings or events. Contact Rob or Linda on [email protected]

Follow us on twitter via @NSSN_AntiCuts and Facebook



Oppose the far-right – solidarity to the RMT

The NSSN sends solidarity to the RMT who had members attacked after the demonstration by the ‘Democratic Football Lads Alliance’ on July 14th in London. These included the union’s assistant general secretary Steve Hedley. This shows the true anti-union character of this far-right organisation. The NSSN will work with unions and anti-racist organisations against racist division that only benefits the employers and the Establishment. We believe that the unions have to play the leading role in building the mass campaign that is necessary.    




Union News


The National Shop Stewards Network gives full support and solidarity to the PCS whose members voted by a massive 86% majority to take strike action against the Tory government’s 1% pay cap. Unfortunately, they just missed out on the undemocratic turnout threshold stipulated in the latest anti-union Trade Union Act

NEC statement following the PCS pay ballot (25 Jul) – The PCS national executive committee met on 24 July to discuss the outcome of the pay ballot and made a number of key decisions to continue the pay campaign in 2018 and 2019. The NEC shared the real sense of disappointment that the turnout did not meet the 50% threshold which is required for a legal strike. But also had a great sense of pride at the magnificent effort of our members, reps and staff, to deliver the largest percentage vote for industrial action, and turnout in the union’s history. The NEC is determined that the government’s pay policy cannot, and will not go unchallenged. PCS members still deserve a pay rise, and the campaign for pay justice will continue. The ballot result will be used to grow stronger, building our membership and organisation, and ensure that we can beat the 50% turnout threshold read more including a video from PCS general secretary Mark Serwotka

Facebook Live 31 July what next in the PCS pay campaign

Civil service unions seek judicial review over government below inflation pay guidance (17 Jul) – PCS has joined fellow civil service unions FDA and Prospect, calling for a Judicial Review over the government’s below inflation pay remit guidance. Ministers issued the pay remit guidance of 1-1.5% last month and refused to consult the civil unions properly over pay despite promises to the contrary. Now the PCS is pursuing legal action against the government with other civil service unions in an unprecedented show of unity read more



Sunderland crane workers to take strike action over ‘inadequate’ pay offer (26 July) – Workers at a leading crane manufacturer in Sunderland will be striking for two days next month in a dispute over an ‘inadequate’ pay offer. The 28 skilled crane assemblers at Liebherr Sunderland Works will strike from 19:59 on Thursday 9 August until 23:59 on Friday 10 August. The action will be repeated on 16/17 August. The workers have already started an overtime ban. Unite will be coordinating the industrial action with the GMB union which also has members at the Deptford Terrace site read more

York and Chesterfield protests over ‘tax avoiding’ NHS hived-off companies (24 July) – Protests in York and Chesterfield against moves by two NHS trusts to set up wholly owned subsidiaries to avoid paying tax will be staged by health unions, including Unite, tomorrow (Wednesday 25 July). Unite with 100,000 members in the health service, has waged an extensive campaign against the creation of such subsidiaries which could lead to a ‘Pandora’s Box of Carillion-type meltdowns’, with the adverse knock-on effect of job losses and salami slicing of service provision read more read more

Protests over ‘race to the bottom’ at Deeside construction project (23 July) – Members of Unite will be holding a series of protests tomorrow (Tuesday 24 July) over a ‘race to the bottom’ in pay, conditions and safety at the £800 million energy to waste construction site at Parc Adfer in Deeside, north Wales. CNIM has been appointed to deliver the Parc Adfer project by its client, the American firm Wheelabrator, for the North Wales Residual Waste Treatment Partnership which is led by Flintshire county council and includes Conwy County borough council, Denbighshire county council, Gwynedd county council and Isle of Anglesey county council. CNIM and its appointed sub-contractors are refusing to apply national construction agreements. Workers on the site are being paid just the living wage of £8.75 an hour which is 61 per cent below the standard rate of £17.39 an hour as covered by the National Agreement for the Engineering Construction Industry (NAECI) agreement read more

Manchester Metrolink tram workers in strike vote over substandard pay offer (19 July) – Over 340 Unite members working for Greater Manchester’s Metrolink will start voting on whether to take industrial action over pay from tomorrow (Friday 20 July,) in a dispute which could see drivers on the tram network strike over the August bank holiday during Manchester Pride. The ballot for industrial action closes on Thursday 9 August. Drivers are angry over a ‘substandard’ pay offer and pay levels that see them earning up to £7,000 less per year than counterparts in other cities across the UK doing the same job read more

Sheffield tram workers strike for 72 hours (25 July) – Sheffield Supertram drivers and conductors, members of Unite the Union, took 72 hours’ further strike action in pursuit of their pay claim on 20-22 July. This was over the weekend of the city’s popular Tramlines music festival. Only thing was, hardly any trams were running! Despite management’s attempts to blame the union, most public and passengers are supportive of the strikers. Management tried to make out that the union wouldn’t ballot on an ‘improved’ offer, but their so-called offer was worth less than that already rejected by nearly 70% in an earlier ballot. Indeed, active support for the strike is growing. Across the two picket lines, outside the tram sheds and at Castle Square, 133 Unite members attended on 20 July. That’s more than the number voting to reject the last offer read more

Unite members strike on Total’s oil and gas offshore platforms – Unite the union has today (5 July) announced a series of strike days on the North Sea oil and gas platforms operated by Total E&P. Following the overwhelming mandate for industrial action, there will be a series of 24 hour and 12 hour stoppages on the three platforms affected (Alwyn, Dunbar and Elgin), all of which will be forced to cease production. There will also be a continuous ban on overtime commencing at 00.01 hours on 23 July. The dispute concerns the company’s wage review and its plans to force workers to increase their offshore working time. A report by Robert Gordon University identified that workers on three-week, equal-time rotas were nearly twice as likely to experience ill health as those on two-on-two-off shifts. The three on/three off rota pattern is now worked by 56 per cent of the workforce offshore, compared with just 17 per cent working the same pattern in 2007.

24 Hour Stoppages

  • Starting at 06.00 hours on 23 July, 6 August and 20 August.

12 Hour Stoppages

  • Starting at 12.00 hours on 30 July and 13 August read more

Unite HCA Strike – Solid Support – The strike at the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) has been solidly supported across all workplaces, with solidarity provided across the trade union and labour movement. Reps will now put plans for a second phase of action out to members, aiming to escalate not just strike action but other protests too. See the picket line video here. The action at the HCA (which incorporates Homes England and the Regulator of Social Housing) arose from a dispute over pay, the gender pay gap, and issues over pay progression. Further talks will be held with the Agency’s executive on Tuesday. Pictures from the picket lines in London, Birmingham and Manchester are available here. For details of how to give solidarity/donations, go to Unite Housing workers branch website

Support Hackney parking strike – The dispute involves 40 traffic wardens employed in Hackney. The workers are members of Unite, the UK’s largest union, are employed by private contractor APCOA Parking (UK) Ltd, on an outsourced contract tendered by the council. This week has seen six continuous days of strike action beginning on Monday 9 July at 00:01hrs and ending at 23:59 on Saturday 14 July. The dispute concerns a pay claim for a five per cent increase from April 2018, unfair and discriminatory working practices, which includes: unfair implementation of sickness procedures, unfair implementation of holiday allocation and a demand to enhance the long service award read more

Messages of support for the strikers can be sent to [email protected]

We also need financial donations. Cheques made payable to Hackney Unite and sent to Onay Kasab at 33 – 37 Moreland St, London EC1V 8BB.

Messages of protest to the Mayor of Hackney ( APCOA run the contract for Hackney Council) and also to the Head of Parking and Markets, 136 – 142 Lower Clapton Road, Hackney, E5 OQJ

Support Ian Allinson: Protesters accuse Fujitsu of victimising whistleblowers read more. Keep up to date with Unite: Our union in Fujitsu website



RMT South Western Railway Guards’ safety action rock solid (26 July) –RMT General Secretary, Mick Cash said: ‎”RMT members are standing rock solid and united again this morning across South Western Railway in the latest phase of the campaign to put public safety, security and access before private profit. “RMT is angry and frustrated that a request by the union to get serious talks with South Western Railway bolted down this week was met with the same old tired response from the company that refuses to move the process on and address the fundamental issues. That is no way to treat a serious dispute that will impact on huge numbers of passengers through into September and SWR need to get out of this bunker mentality.” RMT members will strike as follows by not booking on for any shifts between;

0001 Hours and 2359 hours on Thursday 26th July 2018

0001 Hours and 2359 Hours on Saturday 28th July 2018

0001 Hours and 2359 Hours on Tuesday 31st July 2018

0001 Hours and 2359 Hours on Saturday 4th August 2018

0001 Hours and 2359 Hours on Saturday 11th August 2018

0001 Hours and 2359 Hours on Saturday 18th August 2018

0001 Hours on Friday 31st August 2018 and 2359 Hours on Saturday 1st September 2018 read more    CWU: Solidarity with RMT strikes

RMT South West Railway Waterloo picket July 26
RMT South West Railway Waterloo picket July 26

RMT secures important breakthrough as Greater Anglia members vote in favour of a deal that underpins the Guard Guarantee (19 July) – RAIL UNION RMT said today that it has secured an important breakthrough in the long-running campaign over rail safety, security and access after members on Greater Anglia voted by nine to one on a turnout of 80% to accept a new offer which enshrines the Guard Guarantee on their services and calls a halt to the extension of Driver Only Operation. RMT has hailed the strength and resilience of members on Greater Anglia through 12 days of strike action over almost a year which has been the corner stone in securing todays significant breakthrough. The union says that the Greater Anglia agreement shows what can be agreed through serious negotiations with the train operators and now turns the spotlight on South Western Railway where eight days of strike action in support of the guard guarantee on SWR trains is due to start next Thursday read more

National dispute fund (DOO disputes) – If you would like to donate to the RMT National Dispute Fund which makes payments to support their striking members taking part in National DOO disputes then you can donate via PayPal using the donate button below or make a cheque payable to RMT National Dispute Fund and send it to the address below. Alternatively, you can ring their Freephone helpline on 0800 376 3706 who will be happy to process a credit card payment for you, or, if you would like to pay via internet banking, please email [email protected] for further details. Vicky Thompson, Finance Manager RMT, 39 Chalton Street, London NW1 1JD. Tel: 020-7529-8843

Eurostar strike over service meltdown and shocking working conditions goes ahead Saturday (26 July) – Rail union RMT confirmed today that Eurostar station staff based at St Pancras will strike for 24 hours on Saturday in a dispute over shocking and dangerous working conditions resulting from repeated service failures and breakdowns. The strike goes ahead after talks with the company broke down without agreement. Following a massive vote for action RMT members will not book on for any shifts that commence between: 0001 Hours and 2359 Hours on Saturday 28th July 2018. The international terminal at St Pancras has been reduced to chaos, with staff left to bear the brunt of public anger, following a spate of service problems that have dumped thousands of passengers on the cramped concourse at St Pancras as the season heads towards its summer peak. RMT has repeatedly demanded action to improve conditions but with nothing tangible coming from Eurostar there is no option but to strike. RMT has also confirmed that it is escalating the dispute and has begun balloting train managers over the same issues. Workers at the French end of the Eurostar operation have also registered their disgust at the appalling conditions and have taken action in an attempt to force the company to act read more

RMT confirms further strike action by key group of staff at London Underground’s Ruislip Depot (20 July) – TUBE UNION RMT has confirmed a further round of strike action by transplant train maintenance and stores staff at London Underground’s Ruislip Depot. The strike action is over disputes about pay parity and payments associated with train preparation based on the duties staff undertake in their role. The staff in dispute at Ruislip depot are instructed to take strike action by NOT BOOKING ON FOR ANY SHIFTS THAT COMMENCE BETWEEN:-

  • 19:00 hours on Friday 3rd August to 07:00 hours on Saturday 4th August 2018
  • 07:00 hours to 19:00 hours on Sunday 5th August 2018 read more



Fire service not included in public sector pay boost but proposals expected imminently (24 July) – Firefighters and emergency control staff are not included in the announcements about a pay boost despite the government’s confirmation today (24 July) that a raft of other public sector workers can expect increases of up to 3.5%. The Fire Brigades Union does not negotiate with the government over pay but negotiates directly with fire service employers through the National Joint Council for Local Authority Fire and Rescue Services. Pay proposals for firefighters are expected imminently read more



Joint union response on teachers’ pay (24 July) – Three education unions today responded to the announcement of a 3.5% pay increase for classroom teachers on the main pay range and the Department for Education’s commitment to funding part of this pay award. This shows that the penny may have dropped in terms of the government recognising the scale of the teacher recruitment and retention crisis. However they expressed a number of concerns… read more

Government fail to deliver on funding and teachers’ pay – demand action to win 5% by James Kerr Lewisham NEU (personal capacity)

Five things we learned today about the School Teachers’ Review Body Report (24 July):-

  1. The Government have refused to accept the STRB recommendations in full
  2. The Pay Award will NOT be fully-funded by the DfE – and certainly not by the Treasury
  3. The STRB wanted 3.5% across the board for a good reason – for teacher retention
  4. The STRB Report contains clear evidence as to why teachers’ pay needs a substantial increase
  5. You will now earn more as a M6 teacher in Inner London than a U1 teacher in Outer London read more from blog of Martin Powell-Davies NEU (NUT section) London regional secretary (personal capacity)



Swansea victory – solidarity wins justice (July 13) – Sacked postman Martin Henwood has won his battle for re-instatement, after the threat of strike action at Swansea Delivery Office forced a dramatic about-face from management. With nearly 200 of his colleagues set to walk out on his behalf, following yesterday’s announcement of a massive 89.9 per cent ‘Yes’ vote in the strike ballot, the company agreed to rescind his dismissal to the delight of Martin and his fellow workers read more



Industrial action on track at Arriva Rail North (24 July) – Industrial action may soon be on track at German government-owned Northern unless management revise their below inflation pay offer. Almost 80% of TSSA members rejected the Company’s 3.75% pay offer and now want management to come back to the table with a better deal read more



We’ve got beef with McDonald’s – if you’ve been #McBurned, speak up – Last year, we successfully organised a series of UK-wide #McStrikes in response to McDonald’s record of offering low wages and zero hour contracts. This gained national attention and our ongoing Fast Food Rights campaign continues to turn up the heat on fast food giants who are letting poor terms and conditions and inadequate workplace safety measures become the status quo. As part of our organising work with members, we identified a genuine risk to McDonald’s workers of suffering avoidable burns injuries, and wanted to help them to take action. We want workers to know that burns are not, and should never be, ‘part and parcel’ of the job. That’s why we’ve launched the new McBurned campaign with Thompsons Solicitors. If you have been burned while working at McDonald’s, we’re encouraging you to speak up – confidentially – and to consider making a personal injury claim. You can read more about the campaign in this factsheet. Keep sending solidarity to the McStrikers in the BFAWU, post cheques to BFAWU, Stanborough House, Great North Road, Welwyn Garden City, Herts AL8 7TA and donate to the strike fund. Also help the fund by buying a #McStrike t-shirt. More info on the Fast Food Rights/Hungry for Justice website



Autumn strike warnings as UCU says further education staff need decent pay offer (16 July) – UCU is disappointed that the employers’ representatives, the Association of Colleges (AoC), has failed to provide a concrete pay offer. In pay talks, the AoC said any pay increase was contingent on increased government funding. UCU said it welcomed the fact that the AoC recognised staff needed a pay rise and that it would work with anyone to campaign for more money for the sector, but the pay issue needed to be resolved now if colleges wanted to avoid strike action in the autumn read more



GMB North West paramedics strikes to take place every week (July 26) – This is the last situation our paramedics wanted to find themselves in, but they are desperate for management to listen to their side of the story. GMB’s North West Ambulance Service paramedics will strike every single week until GMB are assured NWAS has a genuine commitment to find a resolution to a long-running pay dispute, the union has announced. Ambulance staff across the region – which covers Lancashire, Cumbria, Cheshire, Merseyside and Greater Manchester – will walk out for 26 hours from 6am on Saturday to 8am on Sunday until at least October. NWAS paramedics have already staged four strikes in recent weeks after a ballot of members saw more than 84% of those who responded vote for strike action read more

GMB members on Equinor Mariner oil rig vote to strike (July 23) – GMB members are prepared to take industrial action to vent their frustration over the way they feel their employer is treating them on this very lucrative contract. GMB, the union for the offshore industry, has announced members working on the Equinor Mariner platform have voted overwhelmingly for strike action. Industrial action is likely to take place in the autumn after 78% of those balloted voted to strike following a final pay, terms and conditions offer made by Aker Solutions management. Turnout was 79% among GMB members on the oil rig, located off the north east coast of Scotland read more

GMB North West paramedics strike announce fresh 12 hour strike (July 19) – The last thing we want is ongoing industrial action, yet NWAS seem determined to let the situation continue says GMB Union. GMB, the union for ambulance staff, has announced a fresh North West Ambulance Service paramedics strike as part of a long-running pay dispute read more



Support striking Birmingham Homecare workers lobby of Council cabinet meeting on July 31stBirmingham City Council will vote on a proposal to cut home care enablement by a further £3M and make all full time staff redundant or accept new contracts that only offer up to 22.75 hours work. The care workers will be striking on the day Facebook event   9.30am Tuesday 31st July

Government owes workers millions one year on from employment tribunal fees win (26 July) – Thousands of people treated unfairly at work have still not been refunded hundreds of pounds they paid out to take their employers to court, says UNISON today (Thursday). It is a year today since a landmark Supreme Court decision led to the scrapping of employment tribunal fees, following a successful legal case brought by UNISON. But since then, the government has refunded just £6.6m despite collecting £32m in fees from claimants who had previously paid to take their cases to an employment tribunal read more

The fight to save Chesterfield hospital (20 July) – UNISON members are campaigning to stop their jobs being outsourced from Chesterfield Royal Hospital Foundation. UNISON members are campaigning to stop their jobs being outsourced from Chesterfield Royal Hospital Foundation, with a key decision on their futures being made at a board meeting next week (Wednesday 25 July). The board at the hospital are meeting to decide whether to transfer services such as estates and facilities to a wholly owned subsidiary company, a move that could mean staff losing the benefits and protections of working for the NHS. A similar situation recently occurred at Wrightington, Wigan and Leigh Foundation Trust, until a UNISON campaign meant the trust dropped their plans to transfer more than 900 workers including porters, cleaners and catering staff to a subsidiary company read more

Plans to cut care workers’ pay on hold in Bath and North East Somerset (16 July) – Strike action on hold as an agreement is reached. Care workers in Bath and North East Somerset have called off strike action today (Monday) after an agreement was reached between UNISON and Sirona Care & Health read more

Strike action called off in East Dunbartonshire (16 July) – Talks between unions and the council due to continue this week. Talks are continuing this week in the East Dunbartonshire recycling and waste dispute after significant progress was made and planned industrial action last week was called off. After industrial action was taken from 21 to 26 June, UNISON together with Unite and GMB suspended strike action planned for the end of last week. A work to rule remains in place across the council read more



RCN members call for ‘vote of no confidence’ over ‘misrepresented’ pay deal (25 July) – Senior members of the Royal College of Nursing are trying to hold the union to account over claims it ‘misrepresented’ the NHS pay deal by calling for a vote of no confidence in the organisations leadership. The Royal College of Nursing issued a formal apology to it’s members today over the NHS pay deal after staff failed to receive the 3% increase that was initially promised. Hundreds of NHS staff took to social media on mass yesterday to say they feel the union ‘misrepresented’ the deal read more from Nursing Notes



Tribunal finds that Ritzy reps were unfairly dismissed – The Employment Tribunals have found that Picturehouse Cinemas Ltd acted unlawfully when it dismissed BECTU representatives last year. The complaints brought by BECTU representatives at the Ritzy cinema were heard in March 2018 and the judgment was finalised on 31 May 2018. BECTU issued a press release today which is reproduced below. Read the latest about the Picturehouse dispute on Brixton Ritzy Facebook Page and those of Hackney, Crouch End, Central, Dulwich East and Duke of York Brighton

Donate to the Picturehouse Cinema strike fund: https://www.crowdpac.co.uk/campaigns/250/picturehousestrike


Mandate (Ireland)

Lloyds Pharmacy workers strike for 6th day over low pay and zero hour contracts (19 July) – “It’s so hard to make ends meet,” says pharmacy worker with 23 years experience earning €10.60 per hour. Up to 270 Lloyds Pharmacy workers in almost 40 stores across Ireland will participate in their sixth day of industrial action tomorrow (Friday, 20th July). The strike takes place as Lloyds management continues their refusal to implement a Labour Court recommendation which stated that the company should allow their workers trade union representation read more



Support the Ryanair strikes: Ryanair pilots to strike on 3rd August and warn further strikes may follow (25 July) – Irish-based Ryanair pilots who are members of the Irish Airline Pilots’ Association (Ialpa) are to strike a fourth day on Friday 3rd August. Their union Fórsa said further strike action would follow later this month unless the airline’s management changed tack and negotiated in good faith on the issue of base transfers and related matters. In a statement today, Fórsa said it believed the airline’s decision to issue protective notice to 300 of its staff today (Wednesday) was an attempt to put pressure on its employees. It said the provocative act, which was likely to harden pilots’ resolve, had escalated the dispute while demonstrating management’s unwillingness or inability to negotiate with unions in good faith read more



IWGB launches campaign demanding TfL and Mayor take action over driver exploitation (July 19) – Union demands worker rights protection for minicab drivers by the licensing regulator:-

  • Gig workers in the minicab industry demand regulatory and cost burden be reduced and shifted to corporate operators such as Uber and Addison Lee
  • Minicab drivers demand end to TfL’s refusal to recognise their trade union representation and accuse the regulator of institutional racism
  • With more than 50% of minicab drivers experiencing assault at work and with 83% of drivers victims of hate crime, IWGB demands swift action to protect driver and passenger safety and security read more


United Voices of the World

Unprecedented 3 simultaneous migrant worker strikes! (July 17) – Cleaners organised in the United Voices of the World (UVW) trade union are walking out over pay and unfair working conditions at three of the wealthiest employers in the UK. The simultaneous strikes will take place at the Ministry of Justice, Health Care America and The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea — scheduled for Tuesday 7th, Wednesday 8th and Thursday 9th of August. The cleaners are mostly Portuguese and Spanish speaking Latin Americans and Africans from Colombia, Brazil, Ecuador, Guinea Bissau and Sao Tome & Principe Please donate to their strike funds here if you can. Any amount will help! https://www.uvwunion.org.uk/current-campaigns/  Facebook event



Other news

Made in Dagenham – film screening (August 17th Location TBA!) – Hosted by Unison Birmingham Uni Branch Facebook event


Swindon TUC 4th  Radical Book Fair – September 15th  2018

Swindon TUC will be hosting their 4th Radical Book Fair. The event is growing, back by popular demand the Historical Walking tour of the Swindon’s Railway Village, exciting workshops and speakers, vendors, campaign and political groups stalls and light refreshments. After the event a social will be at the local pub, more details to follow. The venue is near town centre, and a 10-minute walk from the train station. You will be able load/unload at the venue with limited parking but there is nearby parking.

Event Details            :

Date :  – Saturday 15            th  September 2018

Time :  – 1pm to 5pm (venue will be open from 12 noon to set up and will need to be cleared away by 6pm).

Venue:  – Central Community Hall, Emlyn Square, Swindon, SN1 5BP.  The venue will be open

Stalls available are:

Vendors @ £20.00

Campaign groups & political groups @ £10.00

Stalls will measure 200x65cm.

Please make cheques payable to Swindon TUC and return as soon as possible but by the 31st August 2018 to:

Dee Curd – TUC

102 Shrivenham Road



Email [email protected]




Blacklisting & Victimisation

Blacklist Support Group financial appeal: the Blacklist support group is desperately short of funds, to continue the incredible work we need more finance, would you please consider making a donation, raise it at your branches and trade councils. Please make cheques payable to Joint sites committee and send to 70 Darnay Rise Chelmsford Essex CM1 4XA. Please forward onto your contacts many thanks Steve Kelly (JSC Treasurer)

Blacklisted t-shirts available at: https://shop.hopenothate.org.uk/component/hikashop/product/78-blacklisted-t-shirt

Book: http://newint.org/books/politics/blacklisted-secret-war/

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eNcgrNs6pB8

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/groups/blacklistSG/

Blog: www.hazards.org/blacklistblog





Spain: Support Carlos Naranjo reinstatement! Enough of repression union in Ford-Valencia! Read and share leaflet and letter demanding reinstatement and email to [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] and copies to [email protected]


USA: Teamsters prepare to take on shipping giant UPS read more

Coca-Cola is becoming a serial human rights offender – in Haiti, Indonesia, Ireland, the Philippines and the United States read more

Stop the attack on rights at Cargill Turkey – Reinstate #TheCargill14 now! Read more

Egypt: NUJ appeals for freedom of photo-journalist Shawkan read more from the NUJ website









9 NSSN TUC Rally in Manchester from 1pm Facebook event



PHONE 07952 283 558

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TWITTER – https://twitter.com/NSSN_AntiCuts


ADDRESS NSSN, PO Box 54498, London E10 9DE