I was recently elected as the delegate representing the Thames Valley on the National Pensioners Convention Executive Committee. The NPC represents 1.5 million pensioners, many of them members of trade unions who mostly finance the organisation. We are a campaigning body that fights for pensioners through out the country not only for their pensions but also issues ranging from social care to public transport and dignity in old age. We campaign against cuts to services, hospital closures and austerity. We took our banner on the recent TUC lobby of Tory Conference and we lobby Parliament on a regular basis. Our members were among the Freedom Riders in Sheffield who broke the law in defence of their free train passes. Whilst we are non party political we are an integral part of the labour movement and work closely with trade unions in struggle.
One aspect of our work is to build unity between pensioners and young people through our Generations United campaign. The Tories try to divide youth and pensioners although there is so much more that unites us than divides us, we firmly believe that unity is strength. Many pensioners are in the forefront of the anti cuts movement many of them following a lifetime of trade union and socialist struggle. I would urge all retired activists to join us in the NPC we are militant, active and organised. Following the Tories Autumn Statement we can expect more attacks on local services, welfare and the NHS, the NPC will stand shoulder to shoulder with all those resisting these attacks. Tories out!
Terry Pearce
NPC EC Member for the Thames Valley (in a personal capacity) and NSSN steering committee
See NPC website here