Victory For Tyneside Safety Glass Strikers!

Militant Action Wins!


After three weeks of strike action TSG strikers have won a tremendous victory against tight-fisted  bosses who had offered an insulting zero per cent pay increase.


Initially, the bosses stated that they would not talk terms whilst the strike continued.   By relying on agency workers (illegally taken on), they seemed intent on breaking both the strike and the union.


However, as it became increasingly clear that the strike was rock solid and that the agency workers were not capable of doing the work to the normal “world class standards”,  TSG bosses were then forced to backtrack and negotiate.


The vast majority of the strikers voted to accept the company offer of 2.8% backdated to April 1st  this year.  This will be followed by two years of inflation plus 0.1% (up to a maximum of 3%)


Also, the various rates for different shifts have been rounded up to the highest figure, and a sacked member has been re-instated.


To maintain solidarity for 3 weeks of strike has been a marvellous achievement. This has been done  by getting as many as possible active.  The strikers have attended their picket lines from 5 am every morning.  Also they’ve attended rallies, public meetings, and went along to the picket lines of other disputes including the FBU.

The NSSN has been proud to give support and solidarity to the TSG workers. We organised a meeting in the North East to support their struggle which raised £110 and their shop steward Mark Robinson spoke at the national NSSN conference on July 5th where a bucket collection raised over £120 each for the TSG dispute along with Care UK and Lambeth College.


Above all this dispute highlights that militant strike action works!


Due to ongoing costs from the strike continued donations are welcome.

For details contact: 07761421607.


