Pick up £10Now T-shirts at NSSN Conference

The NSSN is using its 2014 conference on Saturday July 5th to help build the growing campaign for a £10 per hour minimum wage.

Ginger Jentzen from the victorious Seattle $15Now struggle will be telling hundreds of trade union and anti-cuts activists about a campaign that is now a beacon for millions of low-paid workers in the USA and increasingly around the world.  Alongside Ginger on the podium will be Ronnie Draper, the general secretary of the BFAWU bakers’ union who the NSSN and groups such as Youth Fight for Jobs work with in Fast Food Rights. This campaign seeks to recruit super-exploited fast food workers suffering low pay and zero-hour contracts into trade unions. The BFAWU became the first union to call for £10 at their conference in June and have now been followed by the GMB. At its conference, the NSSN will call on all the unions to build a united front around this demand.

As part of this, we are producing £10 per hour T-shirts that can be bought and picked up at NSSN conference.

Proposed design for new £10 Now campaign T-shirts. We'll have a photo of the real thing soon!
Proposed design for new £10 Now campaign T-shirts. We’ll have a photo of the real thing soon!

Please email us on [email protected] if you want to buy one at the price of £8. You can pick one up at the conference and perhaps a few for your mates! It’s easier for us, if you also tell us your size in advance.

Women’s sizes are small, medium and large while men’s sizes are medium, large, XL, XXL and XXXL.

Obviously, come to the conference to find out about Seattle, how to build the July 10 strikes and hear about the many disputes that are breaking out. Order your T-shirt and register for the conference today!


NSSN Conference 2013 – ‘Strike Together for a Pay Rise!’ – 11am-5pm on Saturday 5th July in Conway Hall – 25 Red Lion Square, Holborn, London WC1R 4RL – delegate/visitor fee £6.


Workers are saying “What recovery? We want our share!”

Millions of public sector workers are having their pay again pegged to 1% when RPI inflation is nearly 3% and energy prices are up 9%! Average household income is already 6% below 2003 levels. NHS workers are not even getting this miserly rise! The NSSN welcomes the July 10th joint pay strike which could see well over 1 million workers taking action together in the biggest strike since N30 2011.

We think that this time it should be continued into the autumn and escalated to link up with all those fighting to defend their standard of living like the London Tube workers and those in the private sector such as the construction workers who have been taking wild-cat action for PAYE. The Tube workers’ strike showed that with millions of people being hammered financially, any strike by the unions will get huge public support.

The conference is open to all those in the trade union and anti-cuts movements who want to fight back against the pay freeze, fight for a real living wage, oppose zero-hour contracts, privatisation and the rest of the ConDem cuts… We will also be having workshops to discuss a wide variety of the issues faced by activists in the workplace and the community, including:


■ Fast food rights/zero-hour contracts/living wage

■ Fighting NHS cuts

■ Construction: fighting the umbrella scam and blacklisting

■ Political representation for workers after the Collins Review

■ Housing workers fighting back


The NSSN was initiated by Bob Crow and his union the RMT and is now officially supported by 8 national unions – RMT, PCS, CWU, POA, NUM, NUJ, BFAWU and NAPO – and countless union branches, shop stewards committees and trades councils.


The conference is open to all those in the trade union and anti-cuts movements that wants to fight back.


Confirmed speakers include a $15 Won! Seattle minimum wage campaigner, PMT president Peter Pinkney, Ronnie Draper BFAWU bakers’ union general secretary, POA general secretary Steve Gillan, Janice Godrich PCS president and Peter Pinkney RMT President. Email us now if you want to come as well as if you want leaflets – [email protected] http://www.scribd.com/doc/221151679/NSSN-2014-conference-leaflet



If you want to put yourself forward for the NSSN steering committee, email us by 12noon on Thursday July 3rd







