Ronnie Draper & Ian Lawrence now speaking at NSSN lobby of TUC

The NSSN are delighted to announce further speakers at the lobby of the TUC Congress on 8th September.

Ronnie Draper is the General Secretary of the Bakers, Food and Allied Workers Union (BFAWU).

The BFAWU is one of the seven unions that officially support the NSSN.

Ronnie Draper; General Secretary of the BFAWU

Ian Lawrence is the recently elected General Secretary of the National Association of Probation Officers (NAPO). NAPO is currently engaged in a very serious dispute with the government over the privatisation of 70% of core probation services.

Lobby TUC conference in Bournemouth on September 8th – Name the date for a 24 hour general strike – ‘all out together in November!’ NSSN rally at the TUC Congress at Bournemouth on September 8th followed by a lobby of Congress. 12:30midday-3pm Hardy Suite, Hermitage Hotel, Exeter Rd, Bournemouth (opposite Bournemouth International Centre – TUC conference venue) – book a seat on transport from your area: email [email protected]




