Tag: ballot
NSSN 364: PCS members vote YES in pay ballot!
PCS members vote overwhelmingly to back campaign of action on pay (7 Nov) – A decisive yes vote by tens of thousands of PCS members in our consultative ballot on pay sends a powerful message to the government to act to scrap the 1% public sector pay cap and fund above inflation pay rises.…
NSSN 360: support the CWU Royal Mail strike, PCS pay ballot and TUC lobby, rally & march to scrap the cap
CWU Support the Royal Mail strike – for 48 hours starting 11am Thursday October 19th. As we write this bulletin, the CWU are in the High Court because Royal Mail management are seeking an injunction to stop the strike. This is despite the union smashing the undemocratic new voting thresholds in the Tory Trade…
NSSN 359 Postal workers’ Yes vote, rail, and tube action, NSSN solidarity forum
The full version of this week’s NSSN e-bulletin no.359 can be viewed here -this week’s highlights include news, protests, solidarity campaigns against victimisation, strikes and industrial action ballots involving BFAWU, Unite, RMT, ASLEF, PCS, Unison, GMB, CWU, NUJ, BECTU, FBU, BALPA, NEU, NIPSA, UVW and IWGB as well as international reports plus much more …