We face the biggest onslaught on our public services since the 1920s as the representatives of the bosses in the form of the Tory-Liberal coalition government try and make us pay for a crisis caused by their class. Fighting against the cuts is the biggest and most pressing challenge facing working class people in Britain today.
The National Shop Stewards Network launched its Anti-Cuts Campaign on Saturday 22 January 2011 to help bring trade unionists and community campaigners together to fight to save all jobs and services. Nearly 600 shop stewards/workplace reps, community campaigners and students debated the proposal to launch the campaign. After a full discussion, the trade union delegates at the Conference voted to launch the anti-cuts campaign by 305 votes to 89. An Anti-Cuts Campaign committee was elected to help organise the work; you can see details of those elected to this committee below.
Our NSSN campaign has been launched on a clear ‘Oppose ALL cuts’ platform and therefore calls on Labour councils to refuse to implement the cuts. We will organise protests and support industrial action against them if they vote to pass the attacks onto workers’ jobs and services, as well as campaigning against the vicious attacks of the ConDems.