Month: June 2022

  • NSSN 590: NSSN Conference this Saturday 2nd July

    NSSN 590: NSSN Conference this Saturday 2nd July

    2022 NSSN Conference  Saturday 2nd July 11am-4.30pm Conway Hall, 25 Red Lion Square, London WC1R 4RL Facebook event Confirmed speakers include: Sharon Graham Unite General Secretary, Steve Gillan POA General Secretary, Sarah Woolley BFAWU General Secretary, Terry Pullinger CWU Deputy General Secretary Postal, Eddie Dempsey RMT Senior Assistant General Secretary, Daniel Kebede NEU President, Annoesjka…

  • NSSN 589: Support the RMT as railworkers show their power

    NSSN 589: Support the RMT as railworkers show their power

    The NSSN stands in solidarity with the RMT and the 50,000 of its members who have taken strike action today nationally and on London Underground, where they were joined by 1,000 Unite members. The national strike will continue this Thursday and Saturday. NSSN supporters have been visiting picket lines today to give our support, and…

  • NSSN 588: March together on TUC demo then strike together

    NSSN 588: March together on TUC demo then strike together

    TUC National Demonstration Saturday 18th June Central London – 11am assemble and 12pm depart from Portland Place W1A 1AA, rally 1pm at Parliament Square NSSN Open Mic – opposite Downing Street on Whitehall. Come and have your say why you are marching and what needs to happen to get the pay rise we all deserve…

  • NSSN 587: Railworkers strike back – support the RMT

    NSSN 587: Railworkers strike back – support the RMT

    The NSSN sends our full support to the RMT and their members as the union announces action nationally and on London Underground. And as the crisis-ridden Tories have raised bringing in even more new anti-union laws, specifically aimed at transport workers, the whole trade union movement will need to act in solidarity with the RMT…