Month: March 2021

  • NSSN 528: Shrewsbury Pickets overturn convictions

    NSSN 528: Shrewsbury Pickets overturn convictions

    “The NSSN sends our congratulations & solidarity to the Shrewsbury Pickets and their families. We should particularly remember those such as Des Warren, who passed away during this heroic struggle for justice. There should now be a trade union inquiry into the framing of the workers and the cover up. This is needed for this…

  • 527: Stop union-busting Solidarity Rally & fight Sleep-ins ruling

    527: Stop union-busting Solidarity Rally & fight Sleep-ins ruling

    BREAKING NEWS!! Shrewsbury Pickets overturn convictions  “The NSSN sends our congratulations & solidarity to the Shrewsbury Pickets and their families. We should particularly remember those such as Des Warren, who passed away during this heroic struggle for justice. There should now be a trade union inquiry into the framing of the workers and the cover up.” Rob Williams…

  • 526: End Violence against Women – fight for the right to protest

    526: End Violence against Women – fight for the right to protest

    This week’s NSSN bulletin comes after the brutal murder of Sarah Everard and the outrageous policing of peaceful vigils and protests, which NSSN supporters attended. The NSSN sends our deepest condolences to Sarah’s family. These horrific events have brought centre stage the issue of violence against women. They have also raised how the Tory government is using…

  • NSSN 525: Strike together against Tory 1% NHS pay insult

    NSSN 525: Strike together against Tory 1% NHS pay insult

    This week’s NSSN bulletin headlines with the explosive outburst of anger against the Tory government’s 1% pay offer for NHS workers. A glimpse of this mood was shown by immediate protests called in Manchester and London on Sunday. NSSN supporters were present on both. Outrageously, despite both protests being safe, with PPE used and socially-distanced,…

  • NSSN 524: Stop union busting & support the strikes

    NSSN 524: Stop union busting & support the strikes

    This week’s NSSN bulletin headlines with the fight to stop union victimisation on the buses. Declan Clune RMT was sacked by Bluestar in Hampshire last Friday.  We also continue to send our support and solidarity to striking bus workers – those taking indefinite action in Manchester and drivers on strike for a second week in…