Month: November 2019
NSSN 462: Stop Boris Johnson’s new Tory anti-union laws!
The Tories have revealed their General Election manifesto and despite Boris Johnson’s populism, it serves the interests of Big Business. This is shown particularly with the planned introduction of even more Tory anti-union laws, on the back of that of Thatcher, Major and Cameron. They say, “We will require that a minimum service operates during…
NSSN 461: Support the 8-day UCU HE pay and pension strike
In this week’s NSSN bulletin, we headline with the 8-day strike by members of the UCU union in higher education. The NSSN gives our full support and solidarity. We remember the incredible 14-day action taken by over 40,000 academic staff at 64 universities to defend their pension from attack by the employers. UCU members are…
NSSN 460: Solidarity with the CWU – defend the right to strike!
This week’s NSSN bulletin comes out just after the High Court judgement that has ruled against the CWU and its members in Royal Mail. The NSSN gives our total support and solidarity to the CWU and the postal workers. The NSSN national chair Rob Williams said: “This is an absolute disgrace! The CWU smashed the…
459: Tories out – support Corbyn’s pro-worker programme!
Finally, the general election has been called – for December 12th. As our supporters know, we have been campaigning for the TUC and the unions to mobilise for this – in order to get rid of the Tories. It was the main theme of both our annual conference in July and TUC Rally in…