Month: January 2017
NSSN 325: NSSN public meeting this Thursday – “Nationalise Tata to guarantee jobs & pensions”
Last April, the National Shop Stewards Network (NSSN) called a protest in Port Talbot as fears grew about the future of its steelworks. Its owner Tata was looking to break up and sell off much of its UK operations. Over 200 local people demonstrated behind our slogan ‘Nationalise Tata to save the steelworks, jobs…
NSSN 324: Trade Union Act to come into force on March 1st – TUC call a special conference
The Tories have confirmed that their anti-union laws, incorporated in the Trade Union Act, including new undemocratic industrial action ballot thresholds will come into force on March 1st. The NSSN calls on the TUC to implement the policy passed at last September’s TUC Congress which was moved by the RMT which includes: “Congress believes…
323: Support strikes in the tube & train stations and airport!
RMT / ASLEF / TSSA Southern Rail strikes Members of RMT and ASLEF are in dispute on Southern Rail over the imposition of Driver Only Operations (DOO). The NSSN sends solidarity and support to both unions and we call on our members to support the following days of strikes:- Tuesday 10 January; Wednesday 11…
322: Come on national “It’s Our NHS” demo in London March 4
As 2017 opens, the crisis in the NHS continues. The Health Campaigns Together grassroots campaign has called a national demonstration in London on Saturday March 4th Unions such as Unite and PCS have responded positively to an appeal from Health Campaigns Together to health unions, local and national campaigns seeking support for the…