Trade union activists in the UK have been following the incredible events in France over the last couple of months – although mainly on social media as there has been a virtual blackout by the mainstream broadcasters. They clearly don’t want workers here to be inspired by the mass strikes and demonstrations against the government’s new labour law.
The NSSN is delighted to announce that we are able to continue a growing tradition of rounding off our annual conference with an international speaker. Two years ago, Ginger Jentzen from the $15Now struggle in the USA spoke and last year delegates heard from sacked Greek Vodafone worker Harris Sedaris on the eve of the referendum on the country’s debt repayment.
This year, Yann Venier – Secretary of the CGT trade union coordinating committee in Nancy will be speaking. Along with our platform of militant union leaders and the many rank and file activists who will be reporting on their disputes, struggles and campaigns, our 10th annual conference is a must for all those fighting back in the union and anti-cuts movements.

‘Organise to take on the Tories! Link up the strikes!’ – This year’s annual NSSN conference – our 10th – will be on Saturday July 2nd in Conway Hall, 25 Red Lion Square, London WC1R 4RL – 11am-4.30pm details here Facebook event
Confirmed speakers: Steve Gillan POA General Secretary, Matt Wrack FBU General Secretary, Ronnie Draper BFAWU General Secretary, Janice Godrich PCS President, Chris Baugh PCS Assistant General Secretary, Sean Hoyle RMT President Yannis Gourtsoyannis BMA junior doctors committee national executive
To register in advance – email [email protected]. Conference fee is £6 each – you can pay on the day or if you want to pay in advance: make cheque out to ‘National Shop Stewards Network’ and post to NSSN, PO Box 54498, London E10 9DE
Reinstate Kumaran Bose – sacked by Samworths! National protest this Sunday – the BFAWU are organising a day of action in support of Kumaran Bose who was dismissed for speaking out and for organising a union in his workplace. A national protest has been called by the BFAWU this Sunday June 26 12.30pm outside Samworths HQ Chetwode House, Leicester Road, Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire LE13 1GA read more Facebook group Sign petition 1 here and sign petition 2 here Kumaran is speaking at NSSN Conference along with his BFAWU general secretary Ronnie Draper
NSSN news
Get your trade union branch or trades council to affiliate to the NSSN – it only costs £50. Already affiliated? Please think about renewing it. Also, many of our supporters pay a few pounds a month. You can set up a similar standing order to ‘National Shop Stewards Network’, HSBC – sort code 40-06-41, account number 90143790. Our address is NSSN, PO Box 54498, London E10 9DE. Affiliation letter attached and here
Download the ‘Join the NSSN’ leaflet here
And if you can, come to one of our regional Conferences. If there is not one in your area, get in touch to either assist in organising or have a speaker at one of your meetings or events. Contact Rob or Linda on [email protected]
More Union News
RMT ScotRail action “solid as a rock” across Scotland (June 21) read more
Mick Cash on the Southern rail picket line (June 21) read more

London cleaners’ protest: ‘Sadiq Khan – what about the cleaners?’ – 9am Thursday June 23 City Hall, The Queen’s Walk, SE1 2
An evening to commemorate Bro Leon Brumant. 23 June 1700 @ 12 Pins Finsbury Park read more
Derby school support staff strike against pay cuts (June 16) – Schools affected across the city as 500 protest outside Council House over imposed changes to contracts read more Join teaching assistants Facebook Group here Durham school support staff mobilise against slashing of pay
Ballot launched over improved National Museum Wales offer (17 June) – PCS is balloting National Museum Wales/Amgueddfa Cymru members as their all-out strike action has led management to offer an extra £1.5million over the next 5 years. Museum members have been on strike since 28 April in their long-running dispute over weekend working allowances. This is in addition to a series of weekend strikes over the past two years. Picket lines are being held at 6 of the 7 museums sites daily, and have resulted in the complete closure of some sites and reduced opening hours and partial closures at others. After the latest period of sustained negotiations with the employer that have secured further improvements and following site meetings with our members the branch executive has taken the offer to ballot with a recommendation that members accept it. During the balloting period, which runs from today (17 June) until noon on 24 June, the branch will remain on strike, as decided previously at members’ meetings, and members will continue to picket as the dispute is still active. The BEC has taken the decision to ballot in light of the significantly improved financial options that have been put on the table since previous offers read more
Send message of support to Peter Hill PCS Branch secretary at [email protected] and complain to Director General David Anderson – [email protected]
Make a contribution to the hardship fund:
Bank: Unity Trust Bank
Account name: PCS Amgueddfa Cymru 107006 Branch Hardship Fund
Account number: 20364700
Sort code: 60-83-01
Or via PayPal:
BIS industrial action to continue throughout the summer (15 June) – Action short of a strike will start on Monday 20 June with the possibility of more complete walk-outs read more
- Sign the online petition against the closure of the Sheffield office
- Write to your MP
- Tweet your messages of support @pcsbis using the hashtag #KeepSheffieldOpen.
- Donate to the strike fund: cheques made payable to the PCS BIS hardship fund can be sent to the BIS group treasurer at 9 Medina Way, Upper Stratton, Swindon, SN2 7NW or money can be transferred to Unity Trust bank account 20240992 sort code 60-83-01
ISS cleaners ballot for strike action
Bosses’ ‘broken promises’ as Weymouth drivers’ ramp up dispute with four more days of strike action (21 June) – Weymouth bus bosses have been accused of ‘broken promises and bad faith’ as a further four days of strike action from 27 June were announced to follow on from this week’s strike in the ‘poor relations’ pay dispute. More than 110 drivers, based at Weymouth and Bridport, members of Unite, the country’s largest union, started striking yesterday (Monday 20 June) until 03:59 on Saturday (25 June) read more
Second Leeds bus strike on Monday, as bosses take hard line in pay dispute (17 June) – A second 24-hour bus strike in Leeds is set to go ahead on Monday (20 June), after talks broke down yesterday because of management intransigence, Unite, the country’s largest union, said today (Friday 17 June). A thousand bus workers at the Bramley and Hunslet Park depots in Leeds will strike from 02.01 on Monday – for the second successive Monday – in a dispute over a ‘pitiful’ pay offer read more
June 23 strike: Children’s literacy under threat as Greenwich council plans to close mobile library service (16 June) – Children’s literacy – the gateway to future employment – could be under threat if Greenwich council ploughs ahead with plans to close the borough’s mobile library service, which delivers 33,000 books a year to children read more – including details of lobbies on June 22 & 29
Unite at the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) were on strike on Thursday 19th May and are still in dispute. Pay Up HCA! – We are therefore urgently appealing for donations to our strike fund to assist those on strike and minimise hardship. You can contribute as follows:
- By cheque made out to “Unite Housing Workers Branch LE111”, sent to PO Box 66701, London E11 9FB.
- By BACS to account name Unite Housing Workers LE/1111 Branch, account number 20040626, Sort Code 60¬83¬01 read more
Bromley demo against council cuts July 23 – supported by Unite Local Government National Industrial sector Committee: Assemble Norman Park, Hayes Lane, Bromley BR2 9EF at 11am
Strike ballot is open read more
Support Simon O’Hara — Teachers at Small Heath School in Birmingham are continuing to take action to support Simon who remains suspended. You are encouraged to send messages of support to David Room at [email protected]
Ten reasons to oppose Multi Academy Trusts
BMA Junior Doctors dispute – after initially ruling out talks over the Saturday part of the new contract, the Government backtracked opening up the way for new talks with the BMA. Members are now considering a new offer read more
BMA website: coverage of most last strike
For info on picket lines, strike rallies, protests etc follow #JuniorDoctorsStrike #NotSafeNotFair #JuniorDoctors on twitter. BMA launches judicial review
Stop the sackings of union reps at London Met – #savelondonmet #saveourreps Yesterday (April 30) our branch chair Mark Campbell and secretary David Hardman were made redundant in what is an outrageous attack on their strenuous and tireless trade union activities defending jobs and education at London Met read more Sign petition Since launching this petition, the situation at London Met has now deteriorated further. University management have commenced a further round of compulsory redundancies that threaten the jobs of almost 400 academic and administrative staff – some one-third of all substantive university staff. They have also stated their intention to further increase the use of zero-hour contracts and reduce research to that which explicitly ‘generates a profit’. Please see details here
Next wave of strikes announced in UCU’s pay row with universities – Next wave of industrial action kicks off with first strike at Winchester University open day. Eight strikes in eight days from Scotland to the south to hit open days and other university events, with more to follow in coming weeks read more Keep up to date with rolling strikes here
Reinstate Clive Walder
Clive Walder, a longstanding leading rep in the CWU was sacked last November after 38 years of service with British Telecom. Clive is chair of the CWU Birmingham, Black Country & Worcester branch. Last week, his Employment Tribunal was dismissed on a technicality after a claim by BT, denying Clive the right of a fair hearing. This is outrageous.
Clive worked in a BT call centre and was dismissed after an aggressive customer reported him to management just 33 seconds into a phone call. The decision was made without taking stress into account despite the local CWU branch reporting that 7% of staff at the call centre leave their jobs each month, some walking out mid shift. Management took the decision without consulting any medical advice or taking into account any mitigation.
Clive is a NSSN steering committee member and we will be supporting the campaign protesting the sacking and campaigning for his reinstatement.
Contact Clive to send messages of support and invite him to your union branch, shop stewards committee, trades council etc – [email protected] 07771931185
Nationalise Tata – support the Steelworkers
For latest developments, follow Facebook group
BURSARY OR BUST: Continuing the fight to save NHS bursaries
Colas Rail drivers vote to strike (16 June) – ASLEF members in Colas Rail have voted overwhelmingly in favour of taking industrial action in a dispute concerning holiday pay and establishments, abrogation of agreements and associated safety issues read more
GMB Postpone Protest At Tesco HQ Following New Proposals From Bakkavor Meals (June 16) – New proposals presented today will be taken back to our members at Bakkavor Meals in due course for their consideration says GMB read more
Hundreds of firefighter jobs at risk in Manchester, union warns (20 June) – Hundreds of firefighter jobs are at risk after Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service revealed a £14.6m ‘efficiency plan’, which the Fire Brigades Union (FBU) say will risk the safety of the public and firefighters read more
Photographers urged to activate Alamy’s opt-out clause (21 June) – The NUJ is urging all photographer members to activate an opt-out clause in the new Alamy contributors’ contract before July 30 read more
London Rio cinema dispute – Follow on Facebook and twitter
United Voices of the World
Cleaners indefinite strike from June 8 – Please come and support our strike from June 8 in support of the cleaners at 100 Wood Street who are paid poverty wages and are being unlawfully dismissed by the anti-union cleaning contractor Thames Cleaning and Support Services Limited (“Thames”).
All the cleaners are asking for are their rights to be respected and to be paid a wage they can live on Please consider donating to our strike fund. Bank details can be found at read more on United Voices of the World Facebook Group Strike Facebook event

Reinstate ‘The Topshop 2’ & demand a Living Wage – read West End Extra report of May 14 Topshop Oxford St protest
Other News
Trade Union Co-ordinating Group (TUCG) annual Tolpuddle seminar in Parliament – Tuesday 12th July at 6.30pm in the Wilson Room, Portcullis House (more information to follow) This year’s theme is ‘Keeping the Right to Strike’ and it will include contributions from legal experts, politicians and trade union leaders. There is also a Q and A at the end of the session.
London Hazards 2016 Mesothelioma Day – 10am-4pm July 1 TUC Congress House read more
Blacklisting & Victimisation
Buy the book ‘Blacklisted: The Secret War between Big Business and Union Activists’ Author: Dave Smith and Phil Chamberlain. Blacklisted tells the controversial story of the illegal strategies that transnational construction companies used to keep union activists away from work. See the official trailer from ReelNews
Blacklist Support Group financial appeal: the Blacklist support group is desperately short of funds, to continue the incredible work we need more finance, would you please consider making a donation, raise it at your branches and trade councils. Please make cheques payable to Joint sites committee and send to 70 Darnay Rise Chelmsford Essex CM1 4XA. Please forward onto your contacts many thanks Steve Kelly (JSC Treasurer)
Blacklist Support Group – update June 17
- Jo Cox R.I.P.
Blacklist Support Group send their condolences to the family and friends of Jo Cox at this appalling time.
The murder of a Labour MP by someone shouting ‘Britain First’ and with apparent links to fascist groups is not an isolated incident, it is a one of numerous assaults, murders, petrol bombings and terrorist attacks by the far-right over the past decade. A number of fascists have been sent to prison for these attacks and for possession of firearms, chemical weapons and bomb making equipment. If you cannot remember them, that is because the mainstream media barely mentions these outrages, not because they do not occur. This far-right terrorist fringe does not exist in splendid isolation, it operates within the wider context of xenophobia, racism and intolerance whipped up by politicians and the press. This is a dangerous time with the rise of the far right across all of Europe. BSG stand shoulder to shoulder with those taking a stand to fight against fascism, wherever is raises its head.
- BSG on tour
Glastonbury Festival – Thurs 23rd July, Speakers Forum
Marxism Festival – Thurs 30th June, Institute of Education, 7pm
National Shop Stewards Network conference – Sat 2nd July, Conway Hall, 11am
Durham Miners – Fri 8th July, Rednalls, 4pm
- Guilty as sin
Dave Smith was found guilty with conditional discharge – which means no fine.
During the 2 day trial in which 5 police officers gave evidence, the suffragettes, Anti-Apartheid, the Stephen Lawrence justice campaign, fights to keep hospitals open and the Blacklist Support Group were all name checked as movements that have all on occasions used civil disobedience to highlight greater human rights injustices. Unfortunately, the judge still found us guilty.
Dave said after the decision.
“Huge ‘thank you’ to my superb & principled legal team JC Townsend & Liam Dunne from Guney Clarke & Ryan, who fought the case purely on the basis of upholding the democratic right to protest (as enshrined in Article 10 & 11 of ECHR). Plus John Bryan and Guy Smallman who acted as witnesses & the video footage of the incident by Reel News. And to everyone who came down to court or sent messages of support – it is really appreciated. I am blessed to have such good friends & comrades”.
- Blacklisting condemned at the United Nations
5, Ongoing victimisation of union activists
Kumaran Bose – Gingsters pie makers sack Bakers union activist
Wood Street cleansers sacked for organising a union and asking for the London Living Wage – United Voices of the World
- Have you downloaded the BSG campaign song yet?
Blacklist Number 1 by Sean Taylor reached Number 3 in the Amazon Blues charts and Number 7 in the Folk charts on its first week.
Keep up the momentum – download the track and support the campaign.
Any homemade videos of groups of union members singing the chorus should be uploaded to the BSG FB page
Donate to ReelNews –
Pakistan: Women health workers protest in Sindh read more
NUJ condemns Egyptian court for upholding member’s death penalty read more
Turkey: Avon must stop union-busting now read more
Korea: Don’t let Han’s death be in vain read more
Stand with the journalists, human rights community and academics in Turkey! Sign petition here
Diary (see & use false economy)
2 10th annual NSSN Conference in Conway Hall, London
9 Durham Miners’ Gala
15-17 Tolpuddle Martyrs’ Festival – Sunday 17 July Tolpuddle Martyrs’ Festival 2016, Dorset:-
Barking Dagenham and Havering TUC Coach Day Trip (coach leaves Dagenham Civic Centre 7.45am – returns 5.45pm) Deposit £5
Bookings Contact: Susan Aitouaz [email protected]
Croydon TUC Coach Day Trip (coach leaves Ruskin House, Croydon 8am – returns 9.45pm) Deposit £6
Bookings Contact: [email protected] / 07941 890 756
10 6th Wigan Diggers’ Festival
PHONE 07952 283 558
EMAIL mailto:[email protected]
ADDRESS NSSN, PO Box 54498, London E10 9DE