Month: April 2016

  • 290: VIDEO PCS & FBU call for solidarity with Junior Doctors

    290: VIDEO PCS & FBU call for solidarity with Junior Doctors

    On April 26th in London, over 5,000 striking junior doctors and their supporters marched on the first day of their latest 2-day strike. The march was joint between the BMA and the NUT, who are balloting over forced academisation along with members of other supporting unions including PCS, FBU, RMT, Unite, Unison, NAPO, POA, GMB,…

  • Come to the NSSN’s 10th Annual Conference – July 2nd

    Come to the NSSN’s 10th Annual Conference – July 2nd

    Unions are under threat. It’s no accident that the Tories announced their (anti) Trade Union Bill at the same time as they roll out yet more cuts. They fully understand that the unions, with 6 million members, can be a major obstacle to another austerity wave and the fight is on. Junior Doctors are striking…

  • NSSN 289: March with the Junior Doctors & Teachers!

    NSSN 289: March with the Junior Doctors & Teachers!

    London demo April 26 to support the Junior Doctors The streets of London were crammed last Saturday on the People’s Assembly demo, with protesters calling for ‘Dodgy Dave’ and the rest of the Tories to go. Next Tuesday and Wednesday, the Junior Doctors in the BMA take their next 48-hour strike against Jeremy Hunt’s imposition…

  • NSSN 288: Get the Tories out! March together on April 16

    NSSN 288: Get the Tories out! March together on April 16

    First it was the U-turn on tax credits, then Personal Independence Payment after Iain Duncan Smith’s resignation and now on top of the division over Europe, Cameron has been shaken by the Panama tax exposé. The Tories really are on the edge! The question is how do we push them over it?! It’s clear that…

  • #WakeyFor10 – Wakefield demo April 14 #FastFoodGlobal

    #WakeyFor10 – Wakefield demo April 14 #FastFoodGlobal

    Joint Press statement by Wakeyfor10 and the Bakers Food and Allied workers union Britain’s food union, For over a 150 years The Bakers food and allied workers union has sought to improve the living conditions for workers, weather that be in work or in the community The BFAWU, stands by its members, In the 5th…

  • Solidarity with attacked Brazilian civil servants

    Solidarity with attacked Brazilian civil servants

    Hired thugs beat rank and file trade union protesters   Last Monday, a group of civil servants in Praia Grande, Brazil, who are in struggle for a wage increase of 12.5%, occupied their trade union (linked to Força Sindical), offices, against the treacherous actions of the union leadership which threatened to sell out their dispute.…

  • 287: Build pressure to #NationaliseTata – keep furnaces firing!’

    287: Build pressure to #NationaliseTata – keep furnaces firing!’

    15,000 steel jobs are on the line but the call to nationalise Tata is growing and the pressure on Cameron is building! Over the last few days, politicians of all parties in Cardiff and London are moving their positions but we have to keep the heat on them. Last Saturday, hundreds came on a ‘Nationalise…

  • URGENT – Campaign for remission of Andres Bódalo’s sentence

    URGENT – Campaign for remission of Andres Bódalo’s sentence

    URGENT – CAMPAIGN FOR REMISSION OF ANDRÉS BÓDALO’S SENTENCE AGAINST THE CRIMINALISATION AND REPRESSION OF SOCIAL PROTEST From the SOC-SAT (Union of Agricultural Workers-Union of Andalusian Workers) we ask for urgent collaboration in our campaign to collect signatures for the plea for remission of Andrés Bódalo’s sentence. He has been jailed for his participation in…