Month: January 2016
NSSN 277: Support Unite’s No Cuts stance
The Unite local government national committee (the NISC, National Industrial Sector Combine) has called on Labour councils to set no-cuts budgets. You can read about the vote here at the website of Unite Housing branch 11 We are asking NSSN supporters to take the supporting model resolution below, to their union branch, local trades council,…
Public meeting: Stop the closure of Port Talbot steelworks
The NSSN will hold a public solidarity meeting for steel works in Port Talbot threatened with job losses and closures.: The meeting will begin at 7.30pm Wednesday February 10 in lounge of Grand Hotel Port Talbot (opposite train station) Confirmed speakers include Rob Williams NSSN national chair & ex-Swansea Visteon (Ford) union convenor. Nationalise to #SaveOurSteel
Unite & NSSN drop #SportsDirectShame banner at St James’
In September of 2015 organisers of Unite the Union’s Unite Community project and officers of the National Shop Stewards Network began to interact, with an aim toward building a common purpose for advancing the causes of the wider labour movement. What the two groups had in common beyond working-class aims was a common enemy in…