Workers are saying “What recovery? We want our share!”
Millions of public sector workers are having their pay again pegged to 1% when RPI inflation is nearly 3% and energy prices are up 9%! Average household income is already 6% below 2003 levels. NHS workers are not even getting this miserly rise! The NSSN welcomes the July 10th joint pay strike which could see well over 1million workers taking action together in the biggest strike since N30 2011.
We think that this time it should be continued into the autumn and escalated to link up with all those fighting to defend their standard of living like the London tubeworkers and those in the private sector such as the construction workers who have been taking wild-cat action for PAYE. The tubeworkers’ strike showed that with millions of people being hammered financially, any strike by the unions will get huge public support.
The conference is open to all those in the trade union and anti-cuts movements who want to fight back against the pay freeze, fight for a real living wage, oppose zero-hour contracts, privatisation and the rest of the ConDem cuts… We will also be having workshops to discuss a wide variety of the issues faced by activists in the workplace and the community, including:
■ Fast food rights/zero-hour contracts/living wage
■ Fighting NHS cuts
■ Construction: fighting the umbrella scam and blacklisting
■ Political representation for workers after the Collins Review
■ Housing workers fighting back
The NSSN was initiated by Bob Crow and his union the RMT and is now officially supported by 8 national unions – RMT, PCS, CWU, POA, NUM, NUJ, BFAWU and NAPO – and countless union branches, shop stewards committees and trades councils.
If you want to put yourself forward for the NSSN steering committee, email us by 12noon on Thursday July 3rd