Month: June 2013

  • 7th Annual NSSN Conference: Building the rank and file, planning the way forward

    7th Annual NSSN Conference: Building the rank and file, planning the way forward

    There may well have been a pause in struggle on the part of some trade union leaders, but there has been no pause in the struggle for ordinary trade unionists and campaigners. This was the key point made by Linda Taaffe, Secretary of the National Shop Stewards Network (NSSN) in her opening address to the…

  • NO. 148 Teachers start their fightback – Strike in the North West!

    NO. 148 Teachers start their fightback – Strike in the North West!

    NSSN E-Bulletin 148   Come to the Seventh NSSN Annual Conference this Saturday! Teachers start their fightback with strike in the North-West RMT re-affirms its commitment for a general strike against austerity! On Thursday 27 June, NUT and NASUWT members across twenty-two local authorities in the North-West of England are being called upon to take…

  • NSSN Bulletin 147: A Tale of Two Disputes

    NSSN Bulletin 147: A Tale of Two Disputes

      Strike action is taking place in a number of different area’s this week but it’s worthwhile reporting on two different disputes. The first is the dispute involving the Cityclean GMB members employed by Brighton and Hove City Council who have been ‘offered’ pay cuts. At a meeting of Brighton’s Policy and Resources Committee on…

  • Solidarity with Turkey – new session at the NSSN conference

    Solidarity with Turkey – new session at the NSSN conference

    We are pleased to announce that we are organising an additional commission at our upcoming conference (details below). Martin Powell-Davies, NUT NEC member, and Steve Hedley, RMT Assistant General Secretary, have recently returned from Istanbul, Turkey as part of a trade union delegation organised by Daymer, a Turkish and Kurdish community organisation. There is a…

  • NSSN Bulletin 146: Let’s Beat the Blacklist & Build a fighting Trade Union movement!

    NSSN Bulletin 146: Let’s Beat the Blacklist & Build a fighting Trade Union movement!

    NSSN Bulletin 146: Let’s Beat the Blacklist & Build a fighting Trade Union movement! Last Monday night’s Panorama laid bare the realities of the employers’ use of blacklists to prevent trade unionists and campaigners working and organising against dangerous and illegal work practises. Among those interviewed were Howard Nolan, Roy Bentham and Frank Morris, victimised…

  • RMT London Transport Region Statement on Muswell Hill Islamic Center Fire

    RMT London Transport Region Statement on Muswell Hill Islamic Center Fire

    Statement from the London Transport region of RMT – for original see here Today’s attack on the Islamic centre in Muswell Hill was a barbaric act calculated to whip up division in the community. The London Transport Region of the RMT wholeheartedly condemns the attack on the centre and offers its full solidarity and support…

  • Bulletin 145 – Turkey: No option but to Rebel

    Bulletin 145 – Turkey: No option but to Rebel

    Bulletin 145 –  Turkey: No option but to rebel!– A statement from Day-Mer, a Turkish & Kurdish community organisation What is happening in Turkey?  On 27th May 2013, a police escorted demolition team arrived at the Taksim Gezi Park in Istanbul Turkey to flatten the entire park and destroy all the parkland, including the trees.…