Rank & File activist Re-instated!

From the Scottish Rank & File:

Balfour Beatty have backed down in the face of a Rank and File backlash and have re-instated Stewart Hume as of Monday 10 September.

Stewart is to start work at Chivas in Dumbarton, initially for a four week period, but work is continuing to ensure that it is permanent.

This morning, pressure was put on Balfour Beatty by the guys at both Grangemouth sites with BP and Ineos getting involved.

This is another testament to workers pulling together to challenge injustice. There were other influences in the fight to get Stewart re-instated. Our Regional and National officers had been working with Stewart building a legal case, Assistant General Secretary, Gail Cartmail intervened and highlighted Stewart’s situation at the Westminster parliament, the Blacklist Support Group were campaigning on behalf of him and action against Balfour Beatty, was going to be taken at sites the length and breadth of the UK by the Rank and File.

Such is the strength of this movement and we must keep up the fight against Crown House in the battle against BESNA 2.

Keep up the good work

Scottish Unite Rank and File



